Shycocan | Facts Vs. Misrepresentation In Media
Shycocan | Facts Vs. Misrepresentation In Media
As Shycocan’s breakthrough & proven technology gains popularity, it attracts several detractors. From various competitive lobbies to other motivated groups that try to pull down, question our device.
Recently [April 2021], there was one such report that appeared in a news website. The concerned journalist was provided each and every report, test and also offered an interaction with the CEO and the inventor which was declined by the publication. The story published only cherry picked data to suit what they seemed to have already decided upon. Without allowing us to fairly counter, represent our side and prove beyond doubt the efficacy of our product.
As we continue to try and make the world a safer place, we realize, we will face many such challenges. We, however, remain as passionate and committed to help bring life back to normal and normal back to business.
Listed below, for all it’s worth, are the misrepresentations from the article, followed by the facts that were conveniently left out by the publication.
The Wire text
Many articles from June last year, including those in Times of India and Economic Times, featured the ‘Shycocan’ as a “device to kill coronavirus”, as did a from NDTV. Apart from these, some articles had also called its abilities into question, including those in Indian Express and Deccan Herald.
The article referred in the Times of India states “A device designed by an Indian scientist to contain the infectivity of SARS-COV2” and in the Economic Times states “The device Scalene Hypercharge Corona Canon (SHYCOCAN) is intended to be used in the residential, industrial and commercial environment and is designed for active containment by attenuation of Corona family of viruses”. Both these articles do not feature Shycocan as a device to kill coronavirus but explicitly mentions that the device in discussion attenuates the corona family of viruses. Hence, these articles have been misrepresented in this paragraph.
The Wire text
Eureka Forbes has also advertised the “Forbes Corona Guard, powered by Shycocan” as a device that could attenuate 99.9% of Coronaviruses in enclosed spaces. In November 2020, after complaints from scientists, the Consumer Complaints Council of the Advertising Standard Council of India directed Eureka Forbes to withdraw its claims. Yet the company still lists the product as available, along with its purported effectiveness against the novel coronavirus.
Advertising Standard Council of India (ASCI) is a monitoring agency that has coined guidelines against ‘advertising’ ANY product or service associated with Coronavirus. This is true of advisory guidelines issued also by digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Google, YouTube. So you can advertise a ‘Fashion Mask’ but not even an ‘N95 Mask’ as it violates their advertising codes. They do not have the skill set and neither are they designated to judge the efficacy of a product by their own admission.
Advertising Standard Council of India (ASCI) had received a complaint from an anonymous person about the claims made by Eureka Forbes regarding Corona Guard. This complaint was forwarded by
ASCI to Eureka Forbes for a response. Eureka Forbes responded to the complaint and provided the required scientific evidence in form of test reports and scientific explanation on various issues raised in the complaint. The complaint was settled to the satisfaction of the complainant and the expert appointed by ASCI after this submission and discussion. This is significant proof that all the claims are backed by correct scientific reports and test results and have been reviewed by an independent complainant party along with experts nominated by ASCI.
The Wire text
Briefly, ‘Shycocan’ can allegedly produce a large number of charged particles through the photoelectric effect – i.e. when photons of light strike certain metals, they knock out some electrons. An everyday application of this phenomenon is to produce electricity from solar energy. But in the case of ‘Shycocan’, this well-known principle is supposed to create trillions of electrons that will float around a room and specifically target and inactivate the novel coronavirus’s spike protein. Since the spike protein is what allows the virus to infect people by attaching to and entering human cells, inactivating this protein should render the virus harmless.
The last point is correct “ inactivating this protein should render the virus harmless”. This is the specific action by which the virus is rendered harmless by the Shycocan. All the Shycocan literature specifies this very clearly. The details of the mechanism of Shycocan is detailed below.
Photons also called ‘light quantum’ travel at the speed of light. They do not have mass or a charge. Shycocan produces photons of a specific frequency and intensity that on striking aerosols, microscopic impurities, viral particles, solid surfaces, walls etc in an enclosed space produce an electron. These electrons are produced just for an instant and get dissipated. However, due to the continuous operation the electrons are always present and neutralise the positive charge on the shell of the Coronavirus thereby disabling its ability to infect another host. This is called virus attenuation.
This phenomenon is based on the following scientific principles as below:
What are photons:
What is a photoelectric effect:
It is very easy to determine the production of electrons. Hold a CFL bulb or a tube light at a distance of one feet in front of the working Shycocan device. The bulb or tube light emits light (as shown in Figure 1) confirming the production of electrons.
For verifying the presence of the electrons away from the device, a more sensitive measuring instrument is required. A specialized measuring device has been developed by us to verify the presence of the electrons in various parts of the room.
The Wire text
“In our lab, when we do experiments with electrons, we need to do them in a vacuum. One cannot simply fill the air with electrons because electrons get absorbed by the atoms and molecules in air very quickly,” he explained.
A part of the text of the article “they get absorbed by other atoms and molecules quickly” is true. However, it needs to be understood in the context of the device producing trillions of photons per second, hence, even though the electrons are produced only for an instant they protect at all times due to this continuous operation.
The Wire text
“In addition, their claims that the electrons produced by their device will only kill the Coronavirus is completely bogus. Electrons cannot distinguish between viruses or bacteria or any other thing.”
Most bacteria are negatively charged. The Coronavirus is a positive sense virus. Human cells have a negative potential. The electrons emanated by the Shycocan and due to this opposite polarity they attach themselves to the Coronavirus in real time thereby neutralizing or attenuating it. The electrons do not distinguish between virus or bacteria but they get attracted to the positive charge on the capsid (shell) enclosing the Coronavirus due to the opposite polarity.
Here are some more details on how the Coronavirus infects the human body:
Further details on the positive nature of the virus may be found in the following articles:
How the Shycocan works:
Shycocan continuously emits photons that form an electron cloud effect in an indoor space. The negative charged electrons attach to the virus and neutralize its positive charge thereby disabling it. Hence, the device works on positively charged capsid viruses, namely, the Coronavirus & the Influenza virus families; and not on bacteria and fungi. Thus, Shycocan is equally effective against all types and variants of Coronavirus and Influenza virus families due to the positive charge of their shell. The mechanism of working is as shown in Figure 3.
The Wire text
“They say they have a white paper, which is basically an advertisement at best that rambles about the phylogenetic tree of SARS-CoV-2 more than anything related to their device.”
This paper claims that ‘Shycocan’ works on the well-proven principle that electrons can inactivate infectious agents in the air. However, it jumps to this conclusion based on studies that use electrons to create negatively ionised air, which has been shown to reduce bacterial infections in hospitals. But these studies don’t support any claims that electrons inactivate viruses, only that ionised air can kill airborne bacteria – which the ‘Shycocan’ supposedly does not. Specifically, ‘Shycocan’ does not harm “good bacteria or fungi”, according to a marketer.
We are not sure which white paper is being referred to here. We do not have nor have submitted such a whitepaper. The publication did not bother to check with us and or back up any of its comments with actual discussion with us.
Shycocan does not ionise the air or create negative ions. When the atoms at the material surface are struck by photons they emit photoelectrons. However, these atoms do not become ions. Instead, they get electrons from the rest of the material (and eventually from the ground plane) and remain electrically neutral, photons have no charge or mass, it is only a packet of energy, it simply bumps around till something called the Higgs field gives some mass for the photon out of its kinetic energy and electrons are born (this is to make complex physics simple). Therefore, photoelectron emission for bulk materials has nothing to do with room or air ionization.
What is Higgs boson?
The efficacy of the device has been tested by globally accredited laboratories which confirms that 99.9% of the virus is disabled in every test while not being harmful to humans and animals (test report details as per figure 4). It’s efficacy is proven for various scenarios (i) both for Coronavirus and Influenza virus, (ii) efficacy in exposure times as low as 60 seconds, (iii) both for surface & air-borne viruses (iv) distance of area of 1000 square feet (v) safety to human cells and animal cells with exposure times of 12 hours and 24 hours respectively.
The device conforms to CE Class I device specifications and is being sold in the US under the “Enforcement Discretion Guidance” during the COVID-19 Pandemic/ Public Health Emergency. It already conforms to regulatory requirement of US, Europe, India, UAE, Malaysia, Australia New Zealand, South Africa and host of other countries.
The tests for the safety of the device has been done by UL laboratories (test report references as per figure 5 below). The efficacy of the virology and toxicology has been done by a globally accredited laboratories which confirms that 99.9% of the virus is disabled in every test while not being harmful to humans and animals (test report details as per figure 3). It’s efficacy is proven for various scenarios (i) both for Coronavirus and Influenza virus, (ii) efficacy in exposure times as low as 60 seconds, (iii) both for surface & air-borne viruses (iv) distance of area of 1000 square feet (v) safety to human cells and animal cells with exposure times of 12 hours and 24 hours respectively.
The Wire text
It’s also unclear how ‘Shycocan’, though capable of producing so many electrons – much more than air ionisers that are currently in the market as air purifiers – apparently doesn’t produce ozone, according to the company marketing it. When oxygen in the air encounters free electrons, it becomes ozone.
The statement “It’s also unclear how ‘Shycocan’, though capable of producing so many electrons – much more than air ionisers that are currently in the market as air purifiers” is scientifically incorrect on both counts. Shycocan does not produce electrons but Photons. Photons are packets of energy like in sunlight. Photons are produced in trillions per second which in turn produce photoelectrons when striking solid surfaces. Air Ionisers do not produce electrons but negative ions of air molecules. Hence, this comparison has no scientific basis.
Further, US EPA, FDA, EUA, Australian and many other country regulatory requirements mandate a device to be thoroughly tested for Ozone emission. As part of these, Shycocan has been thoroughly tested for Ozone emission and all tests indicate the levels were below detection (BDL).
Air Ionisers produce ions like O–, O – , OH– etc. The oxygen ions have a tendency to combine to form O which is ozone. Photoelectrons do not create interaction with oxygen molecules.
Hence the sentence “When oxygen in the air encounters free electrons, it becomes ozone” is completely false. Please read the article related to The chapman cycle, is the continuous oxygen – ozone cycle. It is in a constant cycle with oxygen molecules and their interaction with ultraviolet rays that results in Ozone. Details can be found on
“Even the best ionisers will also produce a small amount of ozone—triatomic oxygen, O3—which is unwanted.”
The Wire text
“Even if this device has the capacity to inactivate viral proteins, the fact still is that a subatomic particle does not have a way of distinguishing a viral protein from a human protein. Then how are people safe anywhere around this device?” Reetika Sud, a research coordinator at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bengaluru, said.
It is unfortunate that the name of a prestigious institution is dragged into an article without scientific basis by using a quote of a research coordinator working in this institute. Further, the article starts with casting doubts on the action performed by the device. In this paragraph it is contradicting itself by saying it works but is not safe. The viral protein is not destroyed but its positive charge is neutralised so that it cannot infect a human cell which has negative cell membrane potential.
Shycocan continuously emits photons that form an electron cloud effect in an indoor space. The negative charged electrons attach to the virus and neutralize its positive charge thereby disabling it. Hence, the device works only on positively charged capsid viruses, namely, the Coronavirus & the Influenza virus families; and not on bacteria and fungi and any other particle.
Toxicology tests have been conducted on human alveolar basal epithelial (lung) cells by IIT Guwahati and on Vero cells (kidney epithelial cells) of the African monkey by University of Madras Refer to Toxicology studies mentioned in Figure 5. In each of the instances, the outcome clearly indicated the device has absolutely no adverse impact on humans or animals cells on exposure to Photon emission by Shycocan over 12-24 hours. The only thing it works against is the positively charged viruses like Coronavirus and Influenza family of viruses.
The Wire text
‘Shycocan’ does not have the US FDA’s approval, as many outlets have reported. The FDA’s review of ‘Shycocan’ states that the device “may fall under its ‘Enforcement Policy for Sterilisers, Disinfectant Devices, and Air Purifiers During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency’” guidelines.
These guidelines essentially state that ‘Shycocan’ may be distributed in the US without having to comply with some of the FDA’s regulatory requirements. According to Alok Sharma, CEO of the Shycocan Corporation, the device falls under the sterilisers and disinfectants category (note that according to the FDA, it ‘may’ fall under this category), and is not a medical device. Therefore, it only needs laboratory testing – and not clinical trials – to establish its safety profile for use near or around humans.
USFDA approval is a lengthy process and often takes three to four years to complete. Hence, during the pandemic USFDA extends a category ‘Enforcement Discretion Guidance’ for promising technology. It is under this category that Shycocan is being marketed in the US today.
The Shycocan is NOT a medical device and doesn’t claim to be one. It prevents transmission of the Coronavirus family NOT cure. And under that it is seen as an essential tool to help protect lives and livelihoods.
The Wire text
The Shycocan Corporation shared several documents with publications upon request. One is a summary listing what organisms they had tested ‘Shycocan’ on and its supposed effects. But there were no details of the methods used in these tests and no data, only conclusions. A second document explained in detail their experiments on Bacillus bacteria – only one of the several hundreds of “good bacteria” – that remained unaffected by ‘Shycocan’. As such, experts said, neither document is convincing proof of the device’s efficacy against viruses or its “perfect safety” for humans and animals. None of them had the level of detail that scientists typically need to independently assess the conclusions.
This is clear misrepresentation of facts. The publication asked for two specific test reports that were provided. There test reports contained the detailed methodology of the tests conducted by reputed institutions. As additional information, a document was given which contained the summary of all the other test reports done on Shycocan. None of these test reports were asked by the publication for review. It is surprising that additional information provided by us is being misrepresented without asking for the detailed test reports for them.
Further, we disagree that the test reports cannot be independently assessed by the scientists. These test reports have been used by the company to secure approvals for exports to over 50 countries globally and have been reviewed by customers, government and institutions alike.
We also offered a time slot with the inventor and the CEO to answer all the open questions regarding the product, tests, efficacy and more which could have put to rest any/ all details needed but the journalist did not revert to our offer. And, in fact, declined engaging with both, the CEO and the inventor for some reason.
The article written by the publication is completely without scientific basis and is a misrepresentation of the facts.
The Shycocan remains committed to making our world a safer place in spite of detractors and people with vested interests/ agendas trying to question it’s proven technology. Anyone and everyone is welcome to engage with us to get any/ all doubts they may have to be clarified to establish or reinforce their belief in our product, service in bringing life back to normal and normal back to business.
For further details:
Mail: [email protected]
The Publication: The Wire
Date of Publishing: April 03, 2021