The virus receptor binding domain connects to the human cell membrane causing the infection

Shycocan disables the virus receptor binding domain with photons making it incapable of infecting the human cell

Virus just passes
through the body without
causing any infection
No harmful side-effects for
humans, animals or
the environment
Disables virus up to 99.9%* in
enclosed spaces. Reduces growth
of indoor bacteria & mold
Easy installation and
no consumables required
Multiple devices can be used
for larger spaces



6.0 Kgs. max/8.5 Kgs. max


Length: 250mm | Diameter: 260mm


40 W


5 Years


Below Detectable Limit (BDL)


64 CFM


Dielectric Material


Wall Mount


Shycocan Air Ionizers UV Air Purifier
Efficacy Disables surface & air borne viruses up to 99.994% efficacy without harming other beneficial microbes that aid human immune response. Not effective on surface viruses Kills all air borne microbes creating a sterile environment which compromises human immune response. Not effective on surface viruses Kills all air borne microbes creating a sterile environment which compromises human immune response. Not effective on surface viruses. Removes only air borne viruses and microbes of certain size and more.
Safety Safe for environment, animals and humans. Emits Ozone which damages lungs and is carcinogenic; Not sold in developed countries like US, Europe due to safety concerns. Direct exposure is harmful to skin and eyes; Used in air conditioning ducts, and by robot in empty spaces. Safe for environment, animals and humans.
Type of usage Can be installed in all environments; safe to use. Can be installed in all environments; unsafe to use. Only used in air ducts and empty rooms; sometimes disinfection done by robots. Can be installed in all environments; safe to use.
Time to act Found effective up to 99.6% within one minute against viruses ensuring protection against transmission. Takes 10 min to 1 hour to fill the space with ions to kill viruses and microbes thereby providing limited protection against transmission. Works instantly however does not offer real time protection as cannot be directly used in space inhabited by humans. Takes 30 min to 3 hrs to clean the air in the room thereby providing little protection against transmission.
Consumables & Cost to Run No consumables; Easy maintenance and low cost of electricity consumption equivalent to a 40W bulb. Most are coupled with air purifiers and UV; In such cases, frequent replacement of filters and UV lamps. UV lamps require frequent replacement. Filters require frequent replacement and high electricity consumption.
Impact on immune response No adverse impact on beneficial microbes helping maintain immunity. Creates a sterile environment compromising human immune response. Creates a sterile environment compromising human immune response. No adverse impact.
Mechanism and Year of invention 2018, Disables the positive charge on the virus by Photon Mediated Electron Emission (PMEE). 1918, Breaks the structure of the virus and other microbe by Ionizing the air molecules which can cause production of Ozone. 1904, Filament or lamps producing UV light that kills all microbes and cell structures. 1940 – HEPA Filters used for air filtration (developed during WWII).